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About Gebru Warka Primary School
Help Us Build a New School in Africa
Dear Friends,
For thousands of children living in the rural Ethiopian village of Gebru Warka, access to basic public elementary education is unavailable. Handfuls of children lucky enough to attend the current Gebru Warka primary school are forced into a cramped classroom, built out of sticks and mud-bricks, which averages a ratio of 84 students for every one teacher. In response to this village’s overwhelming need for accessible education, the Barak Raviv Foundation has committed to fully fund the building of a new primary school for the children of Gebru Warka, who so desperately deserve a better opportunity to learn.
On the Ground:
In order to build the school, the foundation has partnered with the Jewish Federation and the Joint Distribution Committee, which will oversee the construction. The JDC works with local rural communities to create sustainable solutions to many of the overwhelming issues across sub-Saharan Africa. Following Barak’s visit to Ethiopia several years ago, the foundation sponsored the construction of a water-well, also a project with the JDC, which today serves a community in sub-Saharan Africa. As part of the new school, our foundation will be building its second well, which will provide access to clean drinking water to the broader community of Gebru Warka.
Community by community, the Barak Raviv Foundation is committed to bringing a sense of hope and aspiration toward a better reality. The recent construction of a new school in Shumargie (a project funded by Kulam), has provided students with a secure establishment that is conducive to learning. Similarly, our presence in Gebru Warka will supply locals with a new concrete block, two-room schoolhouse that will be equipped with desks, a dry pit latrine, and a community water well.
Take Action:
A project like this literally transforms entire communities – it has the ability to surpass the world’s expectations of these villages and produce incredible results, both immediate and long-term. For these special citizens of a third world country, your donation not only contributes to the building of a secure foundation for learning, but provides underprivileged children with the motivation to learn and will to achieve. To make a tax-deductible contribution, please visit our Donate Now Page or send a check to:
The Barak Raviv Foundation
10023 Westwanda Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
I hope you’ll join us in this endeavor to give these children the opportunity to learn in a safe environment.
Learn more about this incredible cause on our site, and ‘LIKE’ Barak Raviv Foundation on Facebook for future updates.
Important: Please include “Ethiopian School” in the memo of your check to direct your donation toward this project. Contributions are tax-deductible.