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About Kitty Hawk Squadron 3
Barak Raviv Foundation Donates Plane to Flying Scouts
On Sunday, February 7th 2016, young aspiring flyers were given a new reason to pursue their dreams of flying. The Barak Raviv Foundation donated a Cessna 172 to the Air Explorers of Kitty Hawk Squadron 3, a youth program that promotes flight education for ages 14 to 21. A representative from Congressman Brad Sherman’s office was in attendance to present Mr. Raviv with a certificate to honor everything he has done to inspire and encourage the pursuit of flight in Southern California.
The students and their instructors were on hand to receive the newest addition to their flight school. “The Air Explorers opened up a world of adventure for me, and my dream has always been to repay them,” says Barak Raviv, founder of the Barak Raviv Foundation. “My goal is to see these kids have the same opportunities that I had when I was learning to fly.”
Kitty Hawk Squadron 3 was founded in 1951 and is dedicated to providing flight training to young men and women. Flight instructors volunteer their time to teach the Explorers how to fly and the costs are almost fully subsidized by the North Hollywood Optimist Club. Through its flight education program, the group promotes a set of values to inspire the kids to become upstanding model citizens. Kitty Hawk Squadron 3 has enabled hundreds of its members to obtain their private pilot certificates, some as young as 17. Many of these students have continued to pursue careers in the military, charter airlines, and commercial aviation.
Recognition: Kitty Hawk Squadron 3