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Guardians of the Jewish Home for the Aged | Barak Raviv Foundation

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About Guardians of the Jewish Home for the Aged

For nearly 100 years, the Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging has been lifting spirits, restoring health, and making the richness of life an everyday event for our community’s precious elderly. Each year, nearly 1.000 frail seniors are fortunate enough to have a wonderful new place to call Home.

Caring for our elderly Jewish mothers and fathers is a most rewarding way to give back to the vulnerable seniors who have bequeathed such a rich life and meaningful traditions to us all.

Over 600,000 Jews live in Los Angeles. But there is only one home for the elderly that offers kosher food, a warm Jewish environment and Jewish holiday celebrations. The Jewish Home appreciates the commitment the community has shown to its mission of nurturing and enhancing the lives of the residents.

Recognition: Leeor Alpern