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The Shearim USA Charitable Trust | Barak Raviv Foundation

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About The Shearim USA Charitable Trust

Shearim College of Jewish Studies for Women in Israel is committed to educating Jewish women to deepen their knowledge and commitment to their heritage. They teach classes in Jewish text, history, ethics, thought and tradition. Each student learns at her own pace, integrating her studies and experiencing her growth on an individual level.

Most importantly, She’arim assist each student in developing her relationship with G-d. She’arim College of Jewish Studies for Women offers an exceptional approach to education that combines personalized teaching, textual study skills and an integrative approach to personal growth. She’arim relates to each student as a unique person. She’arim’s faculty are experienced educators with diverse backgrounds and approaches. Their knowledge of Torah, combined with their caring attitude, allow students to learn and grow in a warm and supportive environment.

Recognition: Joy Furer