Organizations | Featured Charity

Bnai Brith Youth Organization | Barak Raviv Foundation

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About Bnai Brith Youth Organization

Bnai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) will be one of the world’s leading Jewish movements, convening and connecting teens of all backgrounds who will become inspired to live Jewish lives while making a difference in the world. AZA and BBG will be recognized as the preeminent leadership training and character development program for the teen audience and will be core to driving the movement forward. Teen Connection will attract pre-high schoolers with a compelling menu of Jewish fun.

BBYO’s umbrella of innovative experiences – service and action, college and career prep and travel – and technologies will provide the Jewish community with a robust and effective way of delivering meaningful Jewish content to teens. These efforts will be supported by a Friends & Alumni Network, a caring community of stakeholders who ensure BBYO’s vibrancy and affordability in local communities by raising money and offering support to BBYO’s talented and passionate professionals, volunteer advisors and teens.

Recognition: Dana Raviv