Website: http://www.ptvla.org
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About Program for Torture Victims
For over 28 years, the Program for Torture Victims has been working towards alleviating the suffering and health consequences of state-sponsored torture among refugees and asylum-seekers in the greater Los Angeles region. PTV provides the supportive framework necessary to restore the well-being, identity, and dignity of survivors of torture.
The program has helped to heal over 3,000 torture survivors by providing free medical, psychological, and case management services; and by networking with other professionals on behalf of clients to access free legal aid, dental care, HIV/AIDS treatment, interpreter services, ophthalmology specialization and gynecological treatment for women who have undergone female genital cutting.
PTV\\\’s clients are victims of state-sponsored, paramilitary, or tribal violence whose only \\\’crime\\\’ was to belong to a particular tribe, clan, political party, social group, or religion. As the only torture treatment program in the Greater Los Angeles, an area that is home to the largest population of refugees and asylum seekers in the United States,
PTV serves clients come from 65 countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle east, and Asia. In addition, PTV staff also write psychological and forensic evaluations and serve as expert witnesses in asylum cases. PTV is also dedicated to creating public awareness about the plight of thousands of people who are survivors of human rights abuses, about the after effects of torture, and about the personal and interpersonal process of healing.
Recognition: Andrea Schmitt of PTV